Celebrating the work of Faith Community Nurses and Health Ministers
Saturday, October 19, 2019
11 am - 1 pm
First Congregational Church, 2401 Cornwall Ave, Bellingham, WA 98225

Each year, faith community nurses (FCNs) and health ministers (HMs) serve their congregations at no cost to clients. In our four-county region, 106 FCNs and HMs are currently serving in 45 congregations representing a variety of faiths. In 2018, they provided more than 8,262 hours of service, valued at $289,205.
Health Ministries Network supports this work by seeding new health ministry, facilitating an annual health ministry course and providing monthly educational opportunities.
Please join us as we celebrate their service and raise funds to ensure the future of health ministry in our community. We believe an investment in our faith community nurses and health ministers is an investment in our community’s health.
RSVP by email at director@healthministriesnetwork.net or by phone at (360) 788-6408.
If you are unable to attend the event, consider giving to Health Ministries Network today.
Event Details
A delicious harvest lunch and refreshments will be served, including gluten free and vegan options. This event is free. Attendees will have the to opportunity to give as they are able to support Health Ministries Network.
Angel Awards
Angel Awards will be presented to FCNs and HMs with the highest number of service hours reported in various categories. For award consideration, FCNs and HMs should submit their 2019 hours by October 12 at the link below.
Clergy Champion
Supportive clergy are essential to health ministry -- they are visionaries, leaders, supporters, and partners. A Clergy Champion will be awarded based on nominations submitted by October 12 at the link below. Make your nomination today!
Parking and Accessibility
The main parking lot is behind the church. Wheelchair parking and entrance is via the front of the building.
Hero sponsors
Champion sponsors
Cindy and Ron Bauleke
Elder Law Offices of Meyers, Neubeck & Hulford P.S.
Kevin and Sally Majkut
NorthStar Medical Specialists
Smith Gardens
Christian Health Care Center
First Presbyterian Church of Bellingham
Home Attendant Care
Lummi Island First Congregational
Orchard Park
Vibrant Senior Options
Interested in becoming an event sponsor? Contact director@healthministriesnetwork.net.