Dear Health Ministries Network Community,
What a beautiful fall this is! Not every year is so colorful, but I'm seeing reds and yellows popping up--and just as quickly, the leaves come down. It's all a part of the season--fleeting and precious. Just like this one life and each person we encounter.
Today, we wish our Jewish Community an easy fast and Yom Tov--a good Holy Day. Others may be observing this Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, as well. Whether you are of the Jewish faith or observing the Day of Atonement from a different faith, it is a good time of year to acknowledge those things that do not allow us to be whole, healthy human beings and to seek and support healing for ourselves and others. Fall reminds us that, one day, this book of life on earth will be closed for us, and so what we do today matters--deeply. And we offer some bright and beautiful opportunities to love well this month!
On October 11th, 4-5:30pm, you are invited to join Chuckanut Health Foundation and stakeholders in celebrating the community-led process to establish the Whatcom Racial Equity Commission at the Bring all the Bright event, starting at Lee Memorial Park at the Bellingham Library. I will be bringing my bright (and my sketchbook!). I hope to see some of you there!
Please join us on October 21st, 12-1:30pm on Zoom to spend time with the Chardi Kala Project. We will have the opportunity to get to know our Sikh neighbors, as we continually seek to love each other better and support spiritual, emotional and physical healing. Whether you are able to attend our meeting or not, please scroll down to watch some introductory videos that share important information about our Sikh Community.
Last Call! Are you or is someone you know interested in Health Ministry in your faith community or geographic region? Carol Nicolay has generously offered to teach a FREE Foundations Course for Health Ministers, via Zoom, starting on October 15th! What a beautiful and generous offer, as we seek to bolster our community with love and care and health equity! See all the details below!
As we move through this season of bright color and many opportunities to learn and love well, please take good care of yourselves and your community. Wishing you continued peace, health, and love.
Yours in gratitude and hope,
Sarah Lane
Executive Director

Thank you to the North Sound Accountable Communities of Health (NSACH), who provide us with emergency food kits, wellness kits, COVID-care kits, Naloxone and fentanyl test strips for Ask a Nurse! These are not only key to community support, but they are key to opening up great conversations about health, healthcare needs and health equity. And they are a great way to share love! Pictured here, Norma Maarhuis and Joni Hensley set up for Ask a Nurse at the EWRRC!
HMN October Monthly Meeting: Sikhs Make Good Neighbors with the Chardi Kala Project

We look forward to this month's presentation from the Chardi Kala Project, whose mission is: "to tackle hate crimes against Sikhs, and others, via education." They are a volunteer-based organization, "honored to work with many Sikh and non-Sikh volunteers to promote [their] mission. From street langar to feed the homeless to staffing community booths, our volunteers embody the spirit of Chardi Kala in action!"
Everyone is welcome! Please join us via Zoom on Friday, October 21st, 12-1:30pm.
Whether you are able to attend our meeting or watch the replay, here are some additional resources that you may watch and share to learn more about our Sikh neighbors:
Bellingham's eviction of Sikhs in 1907:
We Are Not Strangers (13 min)
Bellingham's Arch of Healing and Reconciliation (3 min)
About Sacred Community Kitchens.
Sikhism: A Very Short Intro (5 min)
Langar: Sikh Sacred Community Kitchens (2 min)
(Every Gurdwara has a Langar Hall to feed everyone. You are always welcome to come to Langar at any of our local Gurdwaras.)
More about Langar:(13 min)
Please contact Sarah Lane with questions at director@healthministriesnetwork.net
HMN September Monthly Meeting Replay: Your Voice, Your Choice PeaceHealth Advance Directive Program Offerings and Tools for Taking BP

Last week, we met the newest member of the PeaceHealth AD education team, Lindsey Boldrin! She shared updates to their update program: Your Voice, Your Choice, and affirmed, "I would love to co-teach live community classes or support however I can." If you missed it, we invite you to meet Lindsey, learn about changes to the program by watching a replay here.
She also provided some follow up responses to your questions here:
Questions from the nurses: (Italics are my thoughts for clarification, red is Hilary’s response.)
When someone creates a new document, does that automatically revoke the prior document? I know the new doc will appear at the top of the list in the EMR for scanned documents, so the PCP is likely to look at that one.) YES, a new document (if done correctly) automatically revokes the older documents for health care.
What happens when a person’s healthcare agent does not follow the individual’s wishes when making decisions? Does the hospital follow the document to the letter, or just go off what the POA says/decisions they make? My understanding is that the document “guides care” but the POA is the final word. Which is why selecting the right HC agent is so critical. An ethics consult can aways be requested if it is believed that the POA is going against previously stated wishes.
And I encourage all of you to visit the following website, Target BP, for some great tools for taking BP!
Please contact Sarah Lane with questions at director@healthministriesnetwork.net
Last Week to Sign Up for the FREE Course in Health MinistryJoin us at BRING ALL THE BRIGHT: Whatcom Racial Equity Commission Establishing Vote Celebration

BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON. OCTOBER 11th, 2022 4PM-5:30PM – BRING ALL THE BRIGHT is a celebration of the community-led process that will culminate at the October 11th County Council where there will be a public hearing and vote to establish the Whatcom Racial Equity Commission (WREC). Starting at 4pm in Lee Memorial Park behind the Bellingham Library, our neighbors are invited to join the community of stakeholders and leaders who worked on the ordinance for complimentary pizza, cupcakes from It’s the Sweet Things Bakery, music, and more - sponsored by the Chuckanut Health Foundation. At 5:30pm, those who wish to witness this historic moment or be a part of public hearing or offer a comment are invited to walk with community members who developed the recommendations, local leaders, and Foundation staff to the Council Chambers (a less than 5-minute walk). If you plan to join us in Council Chambers we encourage you to wear bright colors and/or to pin one of our provided boutonnieres to your outfit.
What does BRING ALL THE BRIGHT mean? We’re asking folks to wear bright, vibrant colors on a PNW fall evening. Bright has come to mean several things to this work. It’s finding the light in dark, challenging, and divisive times in our community so we can move forward together. It’s the wisdom of community members being incorporated into the public process. It’s shining a light to foster understanding and learn more from one another. It’s embracing our bright future as one community and one Whatcom. So, the community is invited to BRING ALL THE BRIGHT with you into council chambers that evening.
The populations within schools across Whatcom are more racially diverse than the county as a whole. The Foundation’s Commission Development Team values young voices and would like to encourage parents, caregivers, and grandparents as well as the students in our area to engage in this civic process. Addressing racial equity is generational work that is an investment in the future of Whatcom County and its youth.
If you'd like to meet up as an organization, please email Sarah Lane at director@healthministriesnetwork.net
Opportunities to Learn about Health Literacy

The Institute for Healthcare Advancement (IHA) strives to help everyone across the healthcare system integrate health literacy into their professional practice and development. For decades, IHA has worked to provide world-class learning tools, conferences, resources and consulting to health experts. Here are three opportunities to learn more about Health Literacy this October, which is Health Literacy Month!
Wednesday, October 5, 2022, 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM PT
Webinar- Using an SMBP Program to Improve Health/Digital Literacy and Patient Involvement in Care Wednesday, October 19, 2022, 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM PT
Webinar- Health Meets Art: City of Rockford's Health Literacy Poetry Series Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM PT
Learning Opportunities from the NSACH
Please see the following learning opportunities from the North Sound Accountable Communities of Health (NSACH):

2022 HIDTA Prevention Summit | October 6
If you're interested in gaining knowledge and tools to support conversations with youth and change social mindsets towards substance use prevention, then register for this free event! During this summit presenters will equip communities with knowledge and tools to support the integration of communications science into their approach to developing messages having conversations with youth ages 12-18, and hanging social mindsets to build community readiness for substance use prevention. Earn up to 5.5 Continuing Education Hours! For more information and to register, click here.
2022 HIDTA Prevention Summit | October 6
If you're interested in gaining knowledge and tools to support conversations with youth and change social mindsets towards substance use prevention, then register for this free event! During this summit presenters will equip communities with knowledge and tools to support the integration of communications science into their approach to developing messages having conversations with youth ages 12-18, and hanging social mindsets to build community readiness for substance use prevention. Earn up to 5.5 Continuing Education Hours! For more information and to register, click here.
Improving Individual and Households’ Financial Literacy and Management to Support Post-Disaster Economic Recovery | October 12
This course is designed to provide learners with information on individual and household financial literacy and the potential financial effects of disasters. Some of the areas covered in the course include developing pre-disaster plans for financial literacy, understanding disaster assistance programs that are available to individuals and households, and understanding vulnerability to disasters. More information can be found on page 2 here
Beyond Substance Abuse: Introduction to Process Addictions | October 12
Process addictions, such as shopping, gambling, and sexual addictions are prevalent yet underdiagnosed and undertreated. In this webinar, we’ll define process addictions and differentiate them from substance use disorders. Common process addictions will be discussed in addition to consequences, treatment strategies, and how SH staff can support individuals through their recovery process. To register, click here
Narcan Training | October 12
Join Amy Wheat, Opioid Outreach Specialist with Snohomish County Human Services, to learn how to administer Narcan (Naloxone), a nasal spray that can block the effects of an opioid overdose. This training will include information about what an opioid overdose looks like, why the addition of fentanyl increases the danger of a deadly overdose, and how to use the antidote to reverse an opioid overdose. The training is free and open to anyone in the community. To register, click here
Community Events & Info

In an effort to connect our volunteers with relevant resources, we publish community events and information in our monthly newsletter and on our website. Email director@healthministriesnetwork.net to add your own.
It's Health Literacy Month!

From the Institute of Healthcare Advancement (IHA): "For more than 20 years, October has been recognized as Health Literacy Month. Health Literacy Month is a time of international observance when hospitals, health centers, literacy programs, libraries, social service agencies, businesses, professional associations, government agencies, consumer alliances, and many other groups work collaboratively to integrate and expand the mission of health literacy."
As an introduction, please see the following video. Please click here to download your tooklit!
It's also Breast Cancer Awareness Month

According to the CDC: "Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women. Mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat and before it is big enough to feel or cause symptoms."
This month, we learn about and share information about breast cancer. Learn more about:
The basic information: What is breast cancer? What are the symptoms and risks? And how can I reduce my risks?
Low-cost screening programs available to you.
Breast Cancer in Men
What does it mean to heave dense breasts?
Knock out the Flu! From the Washington State DOH:

"The flu vaccine is your best protection against flu:
DOH recommends a yearly flu vaccine for everyone aged six-months and older, including pregnant and nursing people. If you are 65 or older, talk to your provider about flu vaccine and other important vaccines for your age group.
It takes two weeks for the flu vaccine to protect you from flu. The flu vaccine does NOT protect against coronavirus, colds, or other viruses that cause respiratory illness.
The flu vaccine keeps many people from getting the flu. Some people who get the flu vaccine may still get sick. If you do get the flu, the vaccine will help reduce the severity of your illness. It will also lower your chance of needing to go to the hospital.
When you get the flu vaccine you will also protect your family and community.
You may also stop flu by covering your coughs and sneezes, washing your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water, and staying home when you're sick. Cloth face coverings (masks) help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and the flu.
What's new for flu for 2022-2023
It's best to get your family vaccinated for flu by October, but flu vaccine is still available through winter. You may visit your local doctor's office, pharmacy or clinic event in your area. See www.vaccinefinder.org or call the Help Me Grow Washington hotline at 1-800-322-2588 (language assistance available) to find a flu vaccine location near you.
Immigrant Relief Fund Available until November 14th

All about 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline from SAMSHA

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org
Creative Offering

Celebration of Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2022 October 10th is Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a day to honor the cultures and histories of the Native American people. To recognize this sacred day, Children of the Setting Sun Productions is excited to partner with other community organizations to present a screening of Daughter of a Lost Bird. The event will be from 5-8pm, Monday, October 10th at Syre Auditorium, Whatcom Community College. A traditional Coast Salish dinner will be provided. To learn more about the event, please visit: https://www.wwu.edu/indigenous-peoples-day In Daughter of a Lost Bird, Kendra shares her journey and the stories of finding her birth mother, who was also adopted, and the Lummi Nation, the tribal ancestry of their origin story. As their collective stories unfold, they find their shared flame, the sacred centerpiece of intergenerational wisdom.
Support HMN

Help us support the invaluable work of faith community nurses and health ministers in northwest Washington by donating today!
And thank you to our fiscal sponsor,
Learn moreHealth Ministries Network is a nonprofit serving Northwest Washington with a mission to link Faith Community Nurses & Health Ministers, congregations and local resources, to nurture community health equity with spiritual well-being.
Health Ministries Network is affiliated with the Chuckanut Health Foundation.
800 E. Chestnut St., Ste 1A
Bellingham, WA 98225