Dear Health Ministries Network Community,
Today, I must begin with a moment of awe and gratitude. First, awe. I am in awe of the generous love of our faith communities and our health ministries across Washington and Oregon. As I go to meetings and attend trainings to learn better how to enrich and support you and our larger community in their call to serve, I see just how many people are hurting, broken . . . seemingly forgotten.
That has never in my lifetime been more apparent than during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, through this time, faith communities have been and remain connecting, no matter what that connection looks like—online or in person, static or dynamic. And that connection goes well beyond bringing food or medicine, sending notes and cards or even taking someone to a vaccination appointment. That connection runs much deeper. It is love.
And as LeAna Osterman, FCN and HMN Board Member, reminded me just this morning, via an article she sent, “In healthcare . . . spirituality is considered the ‘part of [a] person that gives meaning and purpose to…life. Belief in a higher power that may inspire hope, seek resolution, and transcend physical and conscious constraints.’” (Spirituality and Nursing Care (medscape.com)
Indeed, it is the spiritual care that our faith community members and health ministries provide that bring the very best complementary medicine to our broken world: love.
I remain in awe and gratitude.
This month, as we continue to emerge from various forms of isolation, as we reconnect, may we continue to keep love at the center of our care and connection.
Indeed, we have many opportunities to connect. Join us for our:
Foundations Course graduation ceremony at 2pm on Saturday, June 12th (see link below).
HMN Monthly Meeting about changes to the POLST form, Friday, June 18th, 12pm.
FCL Meeting, “Continuing Conversations, Coming Together,” date/time TBD.
Training and Service Opportunities below!
And as we move through this month, we can keep our attention and prayers on the progression of pandemic and vaccination; Pride month and the health and well-being of our LGBTQIA+ community; and national safety month (which includes safety around the home and church, as well as trips and falls!).
Wishing you continued peace, health, and compassion in service. Take good care today!
Yours in awe and gratitude,
Sarah Lane
Executive Director

Joni, Kelly, Sylvia, Holly (and not pictured is Rebecca), nurses and Sarah (soon-to-be health minister), serving at the Kendall vaccination clinic in May. Thank you also to First Christian Church Disciples of Christ and all volunteers, who served this community well.
June Monthly Meeting - Friday 6/18, 12-1pm

Come and share in our monthly Zoom Meeting, all about Portable Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) updates. Hilary Walker of PeaceHealth and Kate Massey of Northwest Regional Council (NWRC) will go into detail and leave lots of room for questions about recent changes to the Washington POLST. Come and connect! Please bring questions and stories to share at the Zoom Meeting!
For questions or a Zoom link, contact director@healthministriesnetwork.net
You are Invited: HMN Foundations Course 2021 Graduation!

Thank you to our 2021 class for answering the call.
Our Foundations Course will be complete, and our students will graduate on June 12th, 2021, at 2pm via Zoom. And while it would be more fun to honor them in person, Zoom is a great option because our 5 students (4 FCNs and 1 HMN) come from very different locations around Washington and Oregon! We invite you to join us, welcome them and celebrate with your presence and your prayers.
Thank you to Carol Nicolay, Foundations Course Coordinator, and to Bill Lonneman, who is serving as Course Instructor for our Faith Community Nurses. Please hold these students, our instructors and our faith community in your prayers.
Here is the Zoom meeting information. Please join us!
Please contact Sarah Lane, director@healthministriesnetwork.net for a Zoom link or questions. Thanks!
Serving with Love: HMN Nurses & Faith Communities Serve East County on May 12th
Thank you to the faith community nurses and faith communities who served at the mobile vaccination clinic this past Wednesday out at Kendall Elementary School! You made this clinic not only possible, but safe and successful, vaccinating 33 people in eastern Whatcom County.

Thank you (left) to the outstanding volunteer team, who came from First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, to set up and serve throughout, to include Pastors Tamalyn and Gary, who welcomed all those who came and went, offering donated masks upon entry and donated boxes of food upon exit (thanks to the County and NSACH for these supplies!). And thank YOU for your ongoing prayers for connection and safety, for healing of our communities and our world. Thank you, FCNs and HMs, who continue to serve at vaccination clinics and locally in your faith community. Thank you to faith community leaders for leading well and generously. Prayers today for your peace and renewal each day!
Recording Available: May Meeting with Mindfulness Northwest

Thank you to all who attended our monthly meeting in May! We experienced an hour of mindfulness learning and practices. We felt our feet on the earth or hips in a chair. We listened carefully to the sounds that rose up around us. And we spent a beautiful hour+ together, sharing and learning--and resting! If you missed the meeting or found these practices valuable, please consider going through the practices here in the video on your own, and see these additional resources and upcoming offerings from Mindfulness NW:
Continuing with Mindfulness
For practicing on your own or with a friend, the Practice section of the Mindfulness Northwest website contains a variety of recorded practices along with written instructions.
Many of our recordings are also on the handy Insight Timer app. (directions for finding our recordings are here).
For practicing with others in your community, there are suggestions in our Community section.
And for an accessible online weekly practice group, you might take a look at our Midday Mindfulness with Executive Director, Tim Burnett, every Wednesday, noon - 1 pm.
Learning More about Mindfulness
Please see our extensive and growing Learn website section with articles, videos, and current scientific findings on mindfulness. You might also check our schedule of upcoming events.
Our Newsletter
We publish a monthly newsletter with a substantial article on mindfulness and tips and resources for ongoing practice. When you registered for this event, your email was added to our newsletter list. You can opt out at any time. *** OR: You may join us HERE. ***
In the Spotlight:
Upcoming Workshops w/ topics covering: Intros to MBSR & MSC, Leadership, Nourish: Mindful Eating, Resilience & more Midday Mindful Movement - Mondays 12 - 1 pm Our 8-week MBSR & MSC Summer Courses beginning in June Our Entire Summer Schedule
For questions contact director@healthministriesnetwork.net
The Power of Connection: Register by 6/6

The Power of Connection: What Research on Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences, Neurobiology, Resilience and Hope Sciences Tell Us Training presented by Kristi Slette, Rochelle Hollowell and Heather Jefferson.
Whatcom Family & Community Network (WFCN) hosts this FREE 4-hour interactive training across 2 days (Tuesday, June 8th from 6-8pm via Zoom and Thursday, June 10th 6-8pm via Zoom) on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) research and the power of Resilience and Hope to mitigate the effects of early trauma.
Experience during development whether nurturing or toxic affects the well-being of children and adults. Our health, relationships, self-regulation, and on-the-job and school performance link to our childhood exposure and responses to adversity. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Study findings are one of the largest public health discoveries of our time. ACEs reliably predict population mental, physical and behavioral health and many social and environmental challenges. This training helps parents as well as professionals across human and social services, law enforcement, corrections, education, and health care understand child, adolescent and human behavior with a focus on developing resilience in community.
Mt. Baker Community Coalition is covering the cost of this training to make it free and available to members of the Mt. Baker community. While this is a no-cost training, registration is required so that we can give you access to the training.
Chuckanut Health Foundation - Trauma Stewardship Institute Workshop

If you haven't registered yet for our event with the Trauma Stewardship Institute, it's not too late! We hope you'll join us next week for a presentation from Laura van Dernoot Lipsky covering the impacts that overwhelm and trauma have on us and the strategies we can use to build sustainable wellbeing.
You can RSVP via the link below, and please feel free to share the link with any other members of your team who may be interested.
Chuckanut Health Foundation + Trauma Stewardship Institute Workshop
Friday, June 11th
Zoom details will be sent via RSVP
We hope to see you on the 11th! From all of us at the Chuckanut Health Foundation, thank you for helping to build a Whatcom County where every child gets a healthy start and every person receives the care they need throughout their lifetime.
Whatcom SHIBA: Medicare COVID-19 Scams & Fraud

This presentation looks at forms of Medicare and COVID-19-related scams both in Washington state and around the nation so you can protect yourself from becoming a victim.
We’ll review ways you can prevent, detect and report it to the right entity if you do run into suspicious activity.
Presented by Whatcom SHIBA program. Learn more at www.oppco.org/SHIBA
Jun 8, 2021 03:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)
COVID-19 and Vaccination Resources for Faith Communities in Washington and Oregon
Whether your faith community is thinking about coming together or continuing to come together, here are some great resources to keep you safe. Please stay tuned for another Faith Community Leader connection opportunity in June/July to share victories, challenges and what's next?
When you have been fully vaccinated . . . .
CDC Interim Guidelines for Fully Vaccinated People
Current Guidance for Faith Communities: https://www.governor.wa.gov/sites/default/files/COVID19%20Religious%20and%20Faith%20Based%20Organization%20Guidance.pdf If you have trouble navigating this document or need clarification for your specific situation, please contact Darin Klein at the WUC, DKlein@co.whatcom.wa.us and he will work with you.
Outdoor and Open Air Seating Guidance
Weddings and Funerals Guidance
Resources for Whatcom County Businesses and Churches
Signage and Support for Faith Communities by Whatcom Together
https://whatcomtogether.org/about/ And feel free to contact Elizabeth Boyle of the Safer Stronger Together Campaign to Everyone : For signage, sign up for our newsletter, or to ask questions...we'd love to hear from you! www.whatcomtogether.org
https://www.whatcomcounty.us/3530/COVID-19-Vaccine-Information or WA Dept. of Health Vaccine Locator, https://vaccinelocator.doh.wa.gov/
Understanding How COVID-19 Vaccines Work | CDC How mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Work (cdc.gov) How Viral Vector COVID-19 Vaccines Work (cdc.gov)
COVID-19 & Your Church(This has reopening plans from a number of churches!)
And here are some vaccine communication resources to respond to questions about vaccination, to include videos and information sheets in multiple languages:
North Sound ACH Vaccination Toolkit (Excellent videos and information sheets in multiple languages)
Oregon - Facts for Faith Communities
Guidance for Fully Vaccinated Individuals
FAQ for Fully Vaccinated Individuals
Updated: Face Coverings Guidance
Is asking about whether asking for proof of vaccination is a violation of HIPAA? On Wednesday, May 26, experts from OHA and Oregon OSHA answered questions about the guidance on Facebook Live. The answer is that this does not violate HIPAA requirements. This video clip answers the question in more detail. You can watch the full-length video here.
Do you have other resources? Please send them to Sarah Lane at director@healthministriesnetwork.net
Community Events & Info

In an effort to connect our volunteers with relevant resources, we publish community events and information in our monthly newsletter and on our website. Email director@healthministriesnetwork.net to add your own.

Find resources you can use to share laboratory safety training courses offered by CDC. Use engaging messages to promote awareness of laboratory safety. Download digital media you can share anywhere, anytime. Click here for resources.
And National Safety Month is not only about having safe summer fun! It's also about trip and fall prevention (in faith communities and at home). For additional resources, click here.

The mission of the Westberg Institute for Faith Community Nursing is to "support the professional practice of faith community nursing through education, resources, and knowledge sharing." In order to support the professional practice, the Westberg Institute has initiated a worldwide faith community/parish nurse census project in order to gather information to measure the number of faith community/parish nurses worldwide as well as their location, preparation for, and information about various aspects of practice.
You are invited to complete this short survey. Your information will not be sold.
At the conclusion of this census on September 30th, 2021, the Westberg Institute will be establishing and maintaining a permanent worldwide faith community/parish nurse registry. The census is a critical component of creating the registry.
Thank you for taking the time to be counted!
Learning, Sharing and Growing Opportunities
POC Gatherings

North Sound ACH supports a space for dialogue among people of color (POC) as they navigate their individual and collective well being. This virtual meeting space is intended specifically for black, indigenous, and people of color to express emotions, grieve and support each other, share resources, and build community.
POC individuals -- please join us! White allies -- please share this opportunity with POC in your organization who may appreciate a space like this. Click here for a flyer to share.
POC Gatherings take place on Zoom monthly, the third Wednesday of each month, from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.
Sign up for the POC Gathering mailing list here, or email POCGatherings@NorthSoundACH.org.
Purpose for Gathering & Intended Audience:
Intentional space to support each other’s individual and collective well-being.
This is a virtual meeting space, with the goal of being a safe space to express emotions, grieve and support each other, share accomplishments and resources, and build community.
For black, indigenous, and people of color in the North Sound region.
Info for next meeting, June 16 3:30 - 5:00 pm Join Zoom Meeting https://bit.ly/3fDsNqR Meeting ID: 830 5348 3282 | Passcode: 934554
Better Bones and Balance!

Better Bones & Balance® is a program designed to gradually improve balance and strength to avoid falls and maintain independence. A study at Oregon State University showed that participants who wore weighted vests during the key exercises reduce the rate of hip bone loss and reduced their fall risk.
This class targets strength and balance, which has an immediate impact on reducing risk of falls. Learn the 5 key components of Oregon State University’s Better Bones and Balance program in this 4 class session.
Classes include a short talk & discussion on a bone related topic, then learning/practicing specific exercise. Having a bench step, or stair in your home, is beneficial but not required. The first 3 classes of this free virtual pilot session is for new participants only.
DATES: July 6 - 15 DAYS: Tuesdays & Thursdays
TIMES: 11:00am-12:00pm
VIRTUAL: Zoom links will be emailed to registered participants
INSTRUCTORS: Tammy Bennett & Mary Latta
FEES: $35 per person (includes BBB practice booklet, emailed) Alumni - Please email tbennett@whatcomymca.org to participate on July 15th
Register online at www.whatcomymca.org or at the YMCA Welcome Desk 360-733-8630
Aging Well Whatcom Presents:

You are invited to spend some time with an elder in Whatcom County. One of the elements addressed in the Aging Well Whatcom Blueprint is Cultural Shift, acknowledging that “our community has an incomplete and often negatively biased vision of aging.” One of the expressed goals of this initiative is that “our community will have a full, honest understanding of the entire range of the realities of aging.”
The Art of Aging project was started because we recognized that although we know a lot about aging, most of what we know are broad brushstrokes. The details are missing. Important details.
The Art of Aging project is one step toward exploring some of the details of aging through series of portraits and recorded interviews reflecting diverse experiences of older adults in Whatcom County, as told through their own words.
A collaboration between Marie Eaton, Sarah Lane, and Richard Scholtz, the project will produce 20 painted and audio portraits throughout 2021.
HEAD (Health Education About Dementia) Talks Dementia Support Northwest

HEAD Talks are quarterly seminars beneficial to anyone interested in dementia or caring for someone experiencing dementia. By offering practical and timely discussions about real issues, HEAD Talks aim to educate and support those in our local community affected by Alzheimer’s and other dementias. These talks are free and open to the public.
Move 4 A Cause Dementia Support Northwest
Motivation can be hard to find these days, so every Friday from 4-4:30pm, Dementia Support Northwest will be moving and grooving to a different decade, beginning with the 1950s!
Register for this free event. $10 suggested donation to benefit Dementia Support Northwest.
Monthly CHW Meeting
Friday June 25, 9-11AM - Zoom Video Conference Call
Whatcom Community Health Worker Network
Join other community health workers for networking and resources. Email WhatcomCHWNetwork@gmail.com for the meeting link.
COVID-19 Support for Caregivers
Weekly - Zoom Video Conference Call
WWU Palliative Care Institute
The Palliative Care Institute has initiated a weekly on-line support group for staff at nursing homes, assisted living facilities, providing in-home care, and/or hospice care, creating a virtual space for them to come together to talk about the impact of the pandemic on their work and their clients and residents -- a kind of ‘COVID coffee break room,’ a place to sit down to talk for a few minutes with others who are also struggling to reconfigure all aspects of care. By gathering their thoughts, PCI hopes be a vehicle for sharing these stories more widely with those outside their worlds. Anyone who would like to join this support group can email pci@wwu.edu to request the Zoom link.
On-Demand and Live Online Advance Care Planning Classes
PeaceHealth is offering "Your Voice Your Choice" classes online to help people complete their advance directives and durable power of attorney documents. Sharing your wishes for the care you want if you are critically ill can bring you closer to the people you love. Making your wishes known clearly in advance of a crisis is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself, your family and friends.
Classes are offered the first Wednesday of every month 1:00-3:00 PM. The class is also on-demand and can be watched online anytime. Learn more at: www.peacehealth.org/advance-care-planning.
Creative Offering
Love After Love
The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror and each will smile at the other's welcome, and say, sit here. Eat. You will love again the stranger who was your self. Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart. Take down the love letters from the bookshelf, the photographs, the desperate notes, peel your own image from the mirror. Sit. Feast on your life. By Derek Walcott
Support HMN

Help us support the invaluable work of faith community nurses and health ministers in northwest Washington by donating today!

Did you know that you can support Health Ministries Network as you shop? Whether you are a regular Amazon shopper or you are a pandemic Amazon shopper, you can support HMN by shopping through Amazon Smile and selecting HMN as the recipient of your donation. It's easy!
On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you're prompted to select a charitable organization from our list of eligible organizations. You can change your selection at any time.
To change your charitable organization:
Sign in to smile.amazon.com on your desktop or mobile phone browser.
From your desktop, go to Your Account and select the option to Change your Charity. Or, from your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page.
Select a new charitable organization to support.Note: You can also hover over the Supporting notice in the navigation at the top of any page, and then select the Change link next to the name of the charity you’re currently supporting.
For more information about the AmazonSmile program, go to http://smile.amazon.com/about.
And thank you to our fiscal sponsor,
