November 30, 2009
Bellingham Hosts Coordinators
The Health Ministries Network of St. Joseph Hospital in Bellingham, WA hosted a Forum of NPNM Coordinators at the Bellwether Hotel on November 6 & 7, 2009, with the help of a grant from St. Luke's Foundation.
The meeting began on Friday evening with a dinner for the 15 Coordinators in attendance where participants had an opportunity to share highlights about themselves and their programs. Areas covered included:
A parish nurse retreat that focused on visioning;
Work on an interfaith commission and the development of a Care Transitions model;
A program with the homeless and a hospital sponsored free clinic;
A monthly data collection program and its value for annual reporting;
The ministry of the Faith Community Nurse (FCN) to veterans;
The importance of FCNs identifying themselves as non-paid professionals rather than volunteers; and
The outcomes of a program for diabetics in partnership with the state.
On Saturday morning local FCNs and health ministers joined the Coordinators for an educational session on: Turning Mastery into Mystery: Helping, Fixing or Serving? under the leadership of Debbie Waring, Director of Education, and Bruce Strade, Executive Director of NPNM. Based on an article by Rachel Naomi Remen, the group explored the role of helping, fixing and serving in relation to healing.
The joint session ended with Lunch, during which time the Annette Stixrud Parish Nurse of the Year awards were presented. (see related story) The Coordinators then met in the early afternoon to conduct business and make plans for future activities.