Dear Health Ministries Network Community,
It's good to be here this February! It is Black History Month and heart health month! It's a time to care for the hearts and spirits of all people with compassion and physical care. And, yes, I did write notes on these conversation hearts for Valentine's Day! Why? While I don't recommend eating them, I do recommend that we send our love and compassion to one another. It is a renewable resource, it is central to nearly all faith communities, and I believe offering love is a first step in caring for our own hearts.
It's been a busy January--much busier than I expected, in fact. I started the month, calling FCNs and HMs, and I'm still doing that. Calls were paused a few times, as we worked closely with the Whatcom County Health Department to offer a webinar to Faith Community Leaders, offering COVID-19 updates and reflections on how we care for one another. We heard speakers from PeaceHealth and our faith communities, and it was good to hear from everyone. While we made no huge epiphanies, we did discuss pandemic fatigue and isolation, and it reinvigorated my own desire to connect and keep connected. It is recorded--please see the link below.
While I haven't connected with everyone yet, those with whom I've connected shared some great things: needs for continuing education, opportunities to serve and congregations to be vital in offering vaccination sites and other support. I even met with some of our Oregon FCNs and HMs to learn what's going on there, and it's a lot, my friends--from caring deeply for individuals to working with community organizations to make critical connections that create wraparound support for people.
We, too, are connecting. Please share information about our upcoming Faith Community Leaders Zoom Lunch Break on Thursday, February 11th, 11am-noon, with your faith community leader, as we check in, offer thanks, share and listen. Connect those interested in learning about becoming an FCN or HM with our Foundations Information sessions. See information below.
This month, we'll hear from Dr. Lombard of the Kidney Disease Awareness Initiative, past director of the Mt. Baker Kidney Center. He'll address risk factors, preventive measures and treatments, among other topics. Please also see good below for continuing education and service.
Wishing you continued peace, health, and compassion in service. Take good care today!
With gratitude,
With gratitude and joy,
Sarah Lane
Executive Director

HMN Monthly Meeting
Friday, February 19, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Zoom Video Conference, featuring The Kidney Disease Awareness Initiative and a presentation by Dr. William E. Lombard, MD, Past Medical Director of the Mount Baker Kidney Center and current Board Member of the Mount Baker Foundation.
A discussion about the importance of raising awareness and educating about kidney disease, its increasing prevalence, risk factors, prevention, treatments; including how HMN and faith community nurses can help support and influence understanding within their faith groups and outreach. "One in three Americans are at risk for kidney disease. Are you the one?" Check in and discussion, presentation and time to chat! Everyone is welcome to attend!
Please bring questions and stories to share at the Zoom Meeting!
For questions or a Zoom link, please contact director@healthministriesnetwork.net
Faith Community Leaders Zoom Lunch Break
We cannot meet in person as we did last year, but we do Zoom well!

We invite you to gather your lunch, and join us via Zoom to learn about Health Ministry. In this time of pandemic and fatigue--and great hope--it is time to come together. We look forward to sharing what health ministries have been up to this past year, how we support each other and how health ministry could benefit your congregation, particularly as we face the challenges of isolation, grief, loss and the unknown. How do we come together with compassion and care for the mind-body-spirit and each other in these ever-changing times?
Topic: HMN Faith Community Leaders Brown Bag Lunch via Zoom
Time: Thursday Feb 11, 2021 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Whether you have an established health ministry or are interested in learning more, we hope you'll join us! This event is free and open to all Faith Community Leaders and anyone interested in improving the health of their faith community. Please email Sarah Lane at director@healthministriesnetwork.net with your questions.
The Legacy Series: Building Trust in Science - An Honest Discussion about COVID and Vaccines
Wednesday, February 3, 5:00–7:00 pm
We are excited to be a partner for the Inaugural Community Conversation in The Legacy Series: Building Trust in Science, presented by the Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) This community conversation is a deliberative forum to provide a more robust way of including community-generated solutions and ideas on how to build trust and confidence in science, with special attention to strengthening confidence in COVID vaccines. Baltimore residents are welcome to attend this virtual conversation. During this forum, community stakeholders will have a chance to share their perspectives, learn about COVID as they engage with other residents, community leaders, and clinical professionals working in the field.
To learn more and to register, please visit the website.
Chuckanut Health Foundation presents: A special conversation about the COVID-19 Vaccine with Dr. ying Wu

You are invited to join us for a special conversation about the COVID-19 Vaccine with Dr. ying Wu.
Dr. Wu will present his review of the Covid-19 Vaccine and what it means for you. He has offered to answer any questions you might have about the vaccine in addition to sharing his research and medical knowledge.
Dr. Wu has added this disclaimer: “I am not an expert on vaccines, virology, immunology, molecular biology, epidemiology, nanoparticle delivery systems, or lots of other things.
I am a family physician who takes care of people and was asked to spend a few extra hours examining the application materials for the Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) for the Pfizer and Moderna Covid19 vaccines as part of Family Care Network's due diligence.
Having done that I am happy to share what I've learned with the goal of aiding informed conversation and decision making by our community members about these vaccines.”
Please RSVP through Sarah Lane to receive the Zoom link invitation at director@healthministriesnetwork.net
Learning Opportunities in February: Experts Talking to Communities about COVID-19
Harmonizing the Spiritual and Scientific Worldviews Tues., Feb. 9, 2021, 2:00 p.m. EST. View here. The Religion, Spirituality, and Health Scientific Interest Group will host Dr. Francis S. Collins as their inaugural presenter This event is free and open to the public. Questions for the presenter may be submitted in advance to RSH-SIG@nih.gov A Conversation on COVID-19 with Dr. Fauci and the Muslim Community Thurs., Feb. 11, 2021. Register here. American Muslim Health Professionals (AMHP) hosts this conversation with Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIAID Director and Chief Medical Advisor on COVID-19 to President Biden. Recording: TD Jakes Hosts "In Conversations with America: Understanding the COVID-19 Vaccine” To better inform the Black/African American community about the coronavirus vaccine, Bishop T.D. Jakes of Dallas' Potters House brought in Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett and others to online event this past week.
HMN Foundations Course Information Sessions

Is a Faith Community Health Ministry in Your Future?
Find out by attending one of our Foundations Course Information Sessions with Foundations Course Coordinator and Health Minister, Carol Nicolay. Sessions will be held on:
Saturday, February 6th @ 1pm or
Wednesday, February 10th@ 4:30pm or
Saturday, February 20th @ 1pm or
Wednesday, February 24th @ 4:30pm.
From 10 April-12 June, Health Ministries Network is offering a hybrid Foundations for Faith Community Nursing for active and retired nurses with weekly online curriculum and monthly zoom conferences. This year a parallel Foundations for Health Ministry is being offered for lay members of faith communities. Nurses and Health Ministers work together to open the door for important conversations about health and wellness of the mind, body and spirit. The program is open to all religions, faiths and beliefs. Nurses and health ministers serving diverse communities are encouraged to apply for scholarships.
For more information: https://www.healthministriesnetwork.net/course
Contact: csnicolay@gmail.com or text 360-510-9797
HMN Webinar for Faith Community Leaders Recording

On Tuesday, January 26, 11am – 12pm hosted a Zoom webinar for Faith Community Leaders. Featured Speakers included PeaceHealth medical experts & hospital chaplain, Faith Community Leaders & Whatcom County Health Department. Open discussion and opportunity for Q & A. Here, we have included a link to the video, notes from the meeting and questions about vaccination that the WCHD answered during our time together. For questions contact director@healthministriesnetwork.net
Recording Available: January HMN Meeting with Dementia Support NW

On Tuesday, January 26, 11am – 12pm hosted a Zoom webinar for Faith Community Leaders. Featured Speakers included PeaceHealth medical experts & hospital chaplain, Faith Community Leaders & Whatcom County Health Department. Open discussion and opportunity for Q & A. Here, we have included a link to the video, notes from the meeting and questions about vaccination that the WCHD answered during our time together. For questions contact director@healthministriesnetwork.net
Community Events & Info

In an effort to connect our volunteers with relevant resources, we publish community events and information in our monthly newsletter and on our website. Email director@healthministriesnetwork.netto add your own.
It's American Heart Month!

February is American Heart Month! Promote #OurHeart health in your community. Click here for the NIH toolkit.
Three Volunteer Opportunities to Provide COVID-19 Vaccination Support in OR and WA
Over the past few weeks, we've shared a number of organizations, calling for assistance in delivering the COVID-19 Vaccination. Westburg Institute has provided a good statement on nurses volunteering to vaccinate during COVID-19. Please see this document for more information from Westburg Institute. We've also recently learned that Retired Nurses in the state of Washington may be able to serve soon. Please see this document from the WA State DOH for more information. To learn more about how you can help, please see the following opportunities with PeaceHealth, Whatcom Unified Command and Serve Oregon:
PeaceHealth: The following on-boarding steps are required before volunteering at PeaceHealth vaccination clinics:
Complete the online application form: NW Network/Bellingham Volunteer Application Form
After receipt of your application, we will contact you.
PeaceHealth will verify credentials and initiate a background check. You will receive an email from HireRight for the background check. Please respond to this email promptly.
You will be instructed to submit your vaccination records (MMR, TDAP, Varicella, Hepatitis B, TB, Flu Shot) to our Employee Health office.
An online training module will be sent to your email address.
You will receive instructions to submit your photo for an ID badge. Photos need to be a head shot with solid plain background.
A PeaceHealth representative will call you to schedule your COVID-19 vaccine.
Quick Links to the CDC
COVID-19 Variants. Information about the characteristics of these variants is rapidly emerging. Scientists are working to learn more about how easily they might spread, whether they could cause more severe illness, and whether currently authorized vaccines will protect people against them. For complete information, click here
COVID-19 One-Stop-Shop Toolkits. Videos, social media, PSAs, print resources, checklists, FAQs, and web resources for every sector or community to prevent the spread of COVID-19. For information specific to faith communities, click here
Monthly CHW Meeting
Friday February 26, 9-11AM - Zoom Video Conference Call
Whatcom Community Health Worker Network
Join other community health workers for networking and resources. Email WhatcomCHWNetwork@gmail.com for the meeting link.
HEAD (Health Education About Dementia) Talks
Dementia Support Northwest

HEAD Talks are quarterly seminars beneficial to anyone interested in dementia or caring for someone experiencing dementia. By offering practical and timely discussions about real issues, HEAD Talks aim to educate and support those in our local community affected by Alzheimer’s and other dementias. These talks are free and open to the public.
Move 4 A Cause
Dementia Support Northwest
Motivation can be hard to find these days, so every Friday from 4-4:30pm, Dementia Support Northwest will be moving and grooving to a different decade, beginning with the 1950s!
Register for this free event. $10 suggested donation to benefit Dementia Support Northwest.
Reset Your Fitness at the Whatcom Family YMCA

The YMCA is offering a safe and easy "RESET" challenge for those who would like to incorporate more health activity into their daily lives. This is a virtual program that even offers some virtual classes! Please follow this link for more information and text 1-877-836-0790 to register.
For more information about what's offered at your local YMCA, please click here:
COVID-19 Support for Caregivers
Weekly - Zoom Video Conference Call
WWU Palliative Care Institute
The Palliative Care Institute has initiated a weekly on-line support group for staff at nursing homes, assisted living facilities, providing in-home care, and/or hospice care, creating a virtual space for them to come together to talk about the impact of the pandemic on their work and their clients and residents -- a kind of ‘COVID coffee break room,’ a place to sit down to talk for a few minutes with others who are also struggling to reconfigure all aspects of care. By gathering their thoughts, PCI hopes be a vehicle for sharing these stories more widely with those outside their worlds. Anyone who would like to join this support group can email pci@wwu.edu to request the Zoom link.
On-Demand and Live Online Advance Care Planning Classes
PeaceHealth is offering "Your Voice Your Choice" classes online to help people complete their advance directives and durable power of attorney documents. Sharing your wishes for the care you want if you are critically ill can bring you closer to the people you love. Making your wishes known clearly in advance of a crisis is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself, your family and friends.
Classes are offered the first Wednesday of every month 1:00-3:00 PM. The class is also on-demand and can be watched online anytime. Learn more at: www.peacehealth.org/advance-care-planning.
Creative Offering
“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” – Maya Angelou
Support HMN

Help us support the invaluable work of faith community nurses and health ministers in northwest Washington by donating today!